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Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System


Category: Tag: Product ID: 9430


The Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System is probably one of the most balanced, aligned and unique that I have worked with for quite some time. This system has been given to us to help you to return to that which you already know. This energy creates an understanding that you have been in a deep sleep and are only now starting to awaken from this deep sleep. The Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System can help you to remember your TRUTH’S and KNOWINGS which are buried deep within you. As you align, balance and cleanse each chakra you will be ready to move into a deeper, more meaningful life with the assistance of the Dolphins.

Dolphins are the only beings on earth or in the sea that have 3 frontal lobes, man only has 2. This extra frontal lobe is thought to be where the dolphins have a very strong connection with each other, working in unity and intuition. Dolphins also have highly developed Third Eye Chakra’s. The reason we relate and love the Dolphins so much is that our body is over 80% water so the dolphins are calling us back to our root’s, our true nature, One Chakra at a time. The dolphins want to guide you gently and lovingly on your journey of cleansing, balancing and the realigning of your Chakras which will in turn help you to truly experience your whole being!

Through the acceptance of the 14 attunements within the DRCHS you will gain a much deeper connection to humanity and the dolphin kingdom. This Process will be one of TRUE SELF-DISCOVERY

Contents of the Manual

* Explanation of the Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System.

* About Shanti (Founder).

* Healing System Intro.

* Welcome from Shanti.

* What are Chakra’s.

* What is chanting.

* What is an attunement.

* How to use this Healing System.

* Tools to use during the attunement Process.

* Trans-Rainbow Fusion.

* Dolphin Sea Bath.

* Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Meditation.

* Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Grid

The Attunement’s

* Dolphin Rainbow Root Chakra Attunement’s.

* Dolphin Rainbow Sacral Chakra Attunement’s.

* Dolphin Rainbow Solar Plexus Chakra Attunement’s.

* Dolphin Rainbow Heart Chakra Attunement’s.

* Dolphin Rainbow Throat Chakra Attunement’s.

* Dolphin Rainbow 3rd Eye Chakra Attunement’s.

* Dolphin Rainbow Crown Chakra Attunement’s.

* Maintenance on the Chakra’s after the Attunement’s.

* Using the Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Energy with a Client.

* Sending the Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System Distantly.

* Chart for the Practitioner of Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System.

* Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Practitioners Cheat Sheet.

* Using the Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System to Heal the Globe.

* Dolphin Rainbow Chakra healing sheet.

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No. of Attunements

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