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The Ego Flush Empowerment


Category: Tag: Product ID: 12277


When we take our first steps into the realms of Spirituality, there comes a feeling of Excitement but this feeling for some can lead to a sense of Superiority for having done or achieved wha the masses have not. Instead of feeling humbled that the Divine Grace has allows you to take this important first step, there can sometimes be a feeling of Self-Importance or a “Spiritual High” which comprises of Conceit and Arrogance. This is the beginning of what I have called “The Spiritual Ego”, a falst sense of Superiority over those who have not made their first step into the realms of Spirituality or the world of being a Lightworker. If you are a Spiritual Teacher and you have fallen into this false sense of Spiritual Ego you will quite often portray a sense of Superiority when someone else has not accumilated the amount of Knowledge or Healing that you have. It is my hope that through this Energetic Flush Empowerment that you will gain freedom from the Ego Self and a releasement of wanting to be better than others. 

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