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The Chakra Flower Essence Activation


Category: Tag: Product ID: 12222


The Chakra Flower Essence Activation came into being after working with the Chakras for many years and also the energies of Etheric Flowers including the more well-known Bach Flower Remedies. In a similar way to other Etheric Encodings the Chakra Flower Essence Activation give you the tools in which you can tap into the Etheric qualities of Flowers to help Heal, Align and Balance the Chakra System as well as opening Inner Doorways of your Soul in order for you to be taken straight to the Heart of an Illness or Health Issue to bring forth swift release of Negative Energies that may be stuck within the Chakra System.

As you walk through a Garden or Flower Shop, you will always be drawn towards a specific Flower which catches your eye. With their simple presence, Flowers have a Mystical way of raising your Spirits as well as the Vibrational Energy of your Chakras. Subconsciously, we tend to draw towards the Flowers that most closely match our desired state of being. Each Flower has a unique Colour and Essence that Vibrationally corresponds with one or more of the 7 Chakras within the Spiritual Body. Meditating upon a particular Flower, therefore can help us to open and align any Chakra that may need Healing. This is where I will focus my teachings within this new Distant Attunement. In the same way that one would use the energies of an Etheric Crystal, I am going to introduce you to a vast array of Flower Energies that you can Etherically tap into, to help Heal, Align and Balance a specific Chakra. This can be achieved through Self-Healing or Healing others.

Through your Attunement you will receive the Energetic Encoding to the following Flower Essences.

Base Chakra

Cherry Plum – Letting Go.

Clematis – Grounding & Earthing.

Gorse – Integration of Joy and Sorrow.

Pine – Taking Responsibility for your Life.

Sweet Chestnut – Trusting the Self.

As an added Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within the Base Chakra you will also receive the Energetic Encoding to the Properties of the Comfrey Flower.

The Sacral Chakra

Crab Apple – Getting rid of what you cannot Digest.

Elm – Creativity to Manifestation.

Oak – Surrender.

Vervain – Accepting Self and Others.

Wild Rose – Taking part in Life, Fully and Joyfully.

As an added Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within the Sacral Chakra you will also receive the Energetic Encoding to the Properties of the Red Dead Nettle Flower.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Hornbeam – Being able to Achieve Personal Goals.

Impatiens – Patience.

Larch – Self Awareness.

Scleranthus – Balance.

Star of Bethlehem – Ability to act from Inner Joy.

As an added Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within the Solar Plexus you will also receive the Energetic Encoding to the Properties of the Sage Flower.

The Heart Chakra

Heather – Unconditional Love.

Holly – Free Flowing Love.

Red Chestnut – The ability to Express True Love.

Rock Rose – Overcoming Ego.

As an added Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within the Heart Chakra you will also receive the Energetic Encoding to the Properties of the Passion Flower.

The Throat Chakra

Agrimony – Fusing Thinking and Feelings.

Mustard – Trusting the Self.

Wild Oat – Communicating from your Deepest Soul.

Willow – Making Space for Creativity.

As an added Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within the Throat Chakra you will also receive the Energetic Encoding to the Properties of the Calandine Flower.

The 3rd Eye Chakra

Beech – Tolerance.

Chestnut Bud – Following Inner Guidance.

Gentian – Acceptance.

Olive – Trusting Cosmic Harmony and Guidance.

Walnut – Listening to your Intuition & Divine Guidance.

White Chestnut – Meditation and Serenity.

As an added Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within the 3rd Eye Chakra you will also receive the Energetic Encoding to the Properties of the Nasturtium Flower.

The Crown Chakra

Beech – Tolerance.

Chestnut Bud – Following Inner Guidance.

Gentian – Acceptance.

Olive – Trusting Cosmic Harmony and Guidance.

Walnut – Listening to your Intuition & Divine Guidance.

White Chestnut – Meditation and Serenity.

As an added Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within the Crown Chakra you will also receive the Energetic Encoding to the Properties of the Daffodil.

Along with the main Chakras I would like to address a couple of other Chakra based Flower Essences that you can work with when you activate the Flower Essences. Some of the following Chakras will be new to you. Simply setting your Intention for the Essences to be Activated within your Etheric Background will allow the Vibrational Energies to flow to where they are needed.

* The Guru Chakra – Morning Glory Flower.

* The Higher Heart Chakra – Christ Thorn Flower.

* The Stellar Gateway Chakra – Mararita Flower.

* The Soul Star Chakra – Lloydia Flower.

* The Earth Star Chakra – Bougainvillea Flower.

You will also learn how to use the Chakra Flower Essence Activation Energies as well as how to create an Etheric Chakra Flower Essence Orb of Light where you can channel the above Flowers into the Etheric Orb for Personal Healing as well as giving the Orb to others.

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