The Soul Money Empowerment has been created to help you connect to your Souls Inner Wisdom in order to receive Guidance and Support in regards to your Finances and the Spiritual aspect of Money. It can help you receive the answers on how to earn more money as well as how to manage it better. The Empowerment will open you up to receive more intuitive inspiration and insight into your particular situation. It can also be shared with clients to help them as well. Working with your Soul can be an amazing experience. Your Soul which is that part of you which is Divine in nature and connects to the greater aspect of the Universal Mind will know what you need and what you want to move forward on your life path. By connecting with your Soul, you will start to live from a place of Empowerment instead of reaction. Living from this space, does require trust and a sense of adventure which this attunement will bring.
I want to take this oportunity to state that at the Academy, we do not focus our teachings on Money and getting Rich Quick. This is not what spiritual progression is about BUT at the same time, we know that finances are difficult for many people around the world at this time. It is therefore important for us to help everyone to alter their energy patterns in order to bring forth abundance but this abundance must be in all areas of ones life from Spiritual, Health, Mental/Emotional and Financial.
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