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Angelic Family Dynamic Oversoul Healing System


Categories: , , Tag: Product ID: 9245


Although there are no set prerequisites to work with this system it is recommended that you have existing knowledge with advanced energy work and connections with Angelic Energy and Shamanic Journeying.

The Angelic Team that you will be working with through the Angelic Family Dynamic Healing System have been assigned to work with the Oversoul created by your family units. This system will help you by restoring Harmony, Balance, Love and Respect to all families. The Angels work on an individual level with each family member and also with the collective family dynamic.

This can be your Immediate Family: Parents, Siblings, Partners etc, as well as those friends or colleagues you just somehow know at an intuitive level!. .

When life is running smoothly we all interconnect by loving and supporting one another, assisting in each other’s spiritual growth but when you throw human emotions and difficult circumstances into the mix things can quickly become very fraught as you are tied so intrinsically to each other at a deep emotional empathic level. So any Soul Family arguments may feel far more hurtful, wound you much more deeply, and be a greater struggle to heal and overcome. If you feel you have become disconnected or estranged as a family, are tired of the constant tension, disagreements and misunderstandings, or just feel as if you have drifted apart, then this session may be of great help to you.

This system also works with your Whole Family Oversoul, not just those of you who have incarnated at this time, so this includes strengthening the bond even with those who have passed over into the higher realms. Much wisdom and guidance travels down through our ancestral line, along with abilities and gifts of all kinds, especially spiritual ones which we can tap into and develop further. Your Soul Family is the spiritual equivalent to your birth family here on earth. Some choose to remain in the Astral Realm to act as Guides for those of you down here. Others may take the form of a friend, teacher or relative here on earth, they could incarnate as anyone in your life. When you meet them you just know. You and your soul family share the same over-soul, so you are naturally drawn to one another throughout your many lifetimes.

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