The energies of the Angelic Ishim System have been designed to give you the Skills and Management of your Guiardian Angel as well as an Initiation into your Sacred Soul Mastery which will help you to adjust your life’s patterns (Life’s Path). The Angelic Ishim are Angelic Beings who are very close to the Creators Throne and often arrive to help Humanity in the form of a Guardian Angel. The Ishim are an order of Angels from whom it is said that these Guardian Angels arrive to help Humanity on their Spiritual and Life’s Path. They have also been known to help people Transcend Limitations set forh within their Physical Bodies and the Lifetime Parameters set at the time of their Incarnation here on Earth.
Angelic Ishim consists of 3 seperate levels. A teacher must wait a minimum of 3 days after accepting their 3rd Attunement before they are Energetically ready to pass the energies onto someone else.
Level 1
The 1st Level of Angelic Ishim is the main Attunement which connections you with the Angelic Ishim Energies.
Level 2
The 2nd Level is slightly different in that it works to connect you with the Green Bee Eater Empowerment who are the animal aspect of the Ishim. Although it is strange to be attuned to Animals, this just seems to work and it is well known that the Green Bea Eaters will help to strengthen your link to the Ishim.
Level 3
During your 3rd and final attunement, you are given the ability to Activate the Soul Mastery Function as well as the Guardian Angel Management Session for yourself and others.
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