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Universal Creativity Reiki


Category: Tag: Product ID: 10336


Universal Creativity Reiki consists of 5 levels {Blockage, Removal, OPen Creative Channels, Expand & Reinforce, Inspiration and Flow}. Each level has an important role in helping you to tap into the deepest levels of your Creative Potential. There are a few stipullations that should be followed to ensure that you get the most from this attunement. If you’re experienced in working with Multilevel Systems, you will be able to easily set the length that these levels run and you will have no problem controlling the downloading of the energies. There are a total of 3 Symbols that came with the Universal Creativity Reiki. Level 1 through 3 have the same symbol. Level 4 and 5 have a new symbol but it isnt necessary to use them to work with the enrgies but it does help. Remember that each level will work to the extent that you allow it to. This can be good or bad. Good because it will bring results but bad because the results may come quickly, unexpected, or at a time that you hadn’t planned them to. Universal Creativity Reiki is very powerful, so once you give it permission to run, it will do just that. Each level is different and the delivery of them is also different. Some levels may trigger Lights, Aromas, Colours, Sensations or Sound but some may appear to do nothing at all. They are all working just the same.

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