Stellar Atom Crystals (Himalayan Diamonds DTs) are a relatively new Crystal and are similar to Herkimer Diamonds. Stellar Atoms are the True Healers for the New Millennium and are here to bring the Golden Ray forth for Higher Spiritual Awareness and Personal Awakening. Stellar Atom Crystals and in particular the Etheric Crystalline Structure that will be Encoded into your Auric Field offers distinct awareness and inrestrained spontaneity. The Etheric Crystal which will be placed into your 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras will work to help raise you to a Higher Vibrational Level of Understanding and Sacred Awareness. This is achieved through activating the Energies of this Crystal via your Intention and a little Visualisation. This Empowerment will also start the process of Awakening your Psychic Abilities which will continue as you progress through the remaning 3 levels of the Crystalline Trilogy.
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