Brighids Flame Reiki requires no prerequisites to receiving this attunement although some knowledge of Reiki or energy work is beneficial. Brighid is the Celtic Goddess of the Hearth Fire. She helps us with Healing, Creativity, Poetry, Smithcraft and Strength. Brighid helps us to be present in the moment to stop and listen and enjoy all that is around us. She has a healing Couldron and allows us to drink from the Healing Waters of her Couldron. By doing that, you feel at home with all that surrounds you. There are 4 symbols with this modality, you will also learn about the 4 Stones of Brighids Flame Reiki which are Rhyolite, Copper, Citrine and Ocean Jasper. Brighids Flame Reiki also invoked the energy of Herbs to use their Healing properties to help you heal.
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