Blue Lotus Healing is a beautiful distant attunement that I have been working with for over a decade. It has actually taken me this long to feel ready to start offering it through the Academy which I now want to bring to you. Blue Lotus has a rofound impact on society and all of humankind which included the Ancient civilisations of China, Japan. India as well as Buddhists, Greeks and many other cultures from around the world. The Blue Lotus is connection to the expansion of the Higher Self and the Divine Mind. It works by easing the Spirit out of the Body so it can move forward, towards it highest possible potential within the realms of Spirit. Blue Lotus offers one of the most advanced vibrations that I have ever felt as well as being the symbol of Victory of Spirit over the Senses, Intelligence, Wisdom and Knowledge. Blue Lotus has 2 symbols and a very easy to understand manual. The energies can be used for Self Healing or they can be used to help Heal Others by conbining the vibrations with other Reiki systems or as a stand along system of Healing.
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