Through this attunement package, you will receive the Spiritual Blessings to a set of 6 Distant Attunements that I have been blessed to be able to work with since their original creation in 2017. To list the descriptions for each of the Masters will take up a lot of pages so I have listed the names of the attunements below. If you click on each of the attunements, this will open a new page where you can read about the associated Master and how the energies will help you on your spiritual and life path.
* The Ascended Masters Trinity of Forgiveness – Master Jesus
* The Ascended Masters Enlightenment Consciousness – Maitreya
* The Ascended Masters Synchronistic Consciousness Flow – Hilarion
* The Ascended Masters Etheric Retreat & Sacred Flame Attunement – Zarathustra
* The Ascended Masters Inner Child Healing & Integration Attunement – Mother Mary
* Transmuting Self-Sabotaging Behaviour – St Germain
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