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7 Rays of the Elohim Package – Increased Psychic Awakening & Universal Healing


Category: Tag: Product ID: 10475


Within the 7 Rays of Elohim Series, you will receive the energetic connection to the vibrational frequencies of the 7 Rays and the Masters of Light who reside over them. Through the energetic connections, you will gain the spiritual tools from each master and ray that can help you with the many areas within one’s spiritual life. These can range from increased Spiritual Protection, Vitality, Faith, Individuality, Clear Vision, Psychic Awakening, Dedication, Truth, Unification, Patience, Clear Mindedness and much more.

* The 1st Ray – Hercules & Amazonia

Hercules & Amazonia represent the Blue Ray of Power, Perfection, Faith, Divine Guidance & the Will of God. Devotees of the Blue Ray will always feel the desire to do the will of God/Goddess through the power of the Father who is the first person of the Trinity. As you work with the energies of Hercules, Amazonia and the Blue Ray you will gain the spiritual tools that you can use to help you to gain the inner courage and strength to step into your inner power, your divine inner light. This attunement also has the ability to surround you with a very powerful protective bubble of light that will stop all forms of negative energies in their tracks.

* The 2nd Ray – Apollo & Lumina

Apollo & Lumina represent the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, Illumination, Understanding & the desire to know God through the mind of the Son who is the second person within the Trinity. As you work with the energies of Apollo, Lumina and the Yellow Ray you will gain the spiritual tools that you can use to help you to embrace the inner divine feminine that resides in each and every one of us. It is through this divine connection with the feminine that we gain a real understanding of what it is to love yourself for who you are.

* The 3rd Ray – Eros & Amora

Eros & Amora represent the Pink Ray of Divine Love, Charity, and the desire to be God in all your actions through the love of the Holy Spirit who represents the third person within the Trinity. As you connect with the energies of Eros, Amora and the Pink Ray you will gain the spiritual tools that you can use to help you embrace a more focused direction in life through the connection with your higher mind and soul self.

* The 4th Ray – Purity & Astrea

Purity & Astrea represent the White Ray of Purity, Perfection, Hope & Wholeness. The spiritual connection with Purity & Astrea also represents the flame of the mother and the flame of ascension through the purity of mind, body & spirit. The 4th Ray can at times be very difficult to process because it forces you to release that which no longer serves your highest and greatest good. This can sometimes mean that you will have to release old relationships whether these be personal, family or friendships.

* The 5th Ray – Cyclopea & Virginia

Cyclopea & Virginia represent the Green Ray of Truth, Clear Seeing, Constancy & the desire to precipitate the abundance of god through the immaculate conception of the Holy Virgin. As you work with the energies of the Green Ray you will gain the spiritual tools that will help you to become more self-confident as well as give you the ability to see beyond the veil that separates us from the realms of the spiritual world.

* The 6th Ray – Peace & Aloha

Peace & Aloha represent the Purple & Gold Ray of Peace, Brotherhood, Balance and Mastery of Christ’s Consciousness. As you connect with the energies of the Purple/Gold ray and the attributes of Peace & Aloha you will be given the spiritual tools that you can use in your personal and professional healings to bring deep devotion and new ideas to your spiritual path. These energies will also aid in the realignment and balance of your emotional body to bring a detachment from an overzealous nature.

* The 7th Ray – Arcturius and Victoria

Arcturius and Victoria represent the divine blessings of the Violet Ray of Freedom, Invocation, Transmutation, Transcendence, Ascension & Divine Mercy. Connecting with these energies and working with them during your personal healing sessions will help you to focus your attention on the Purple Flame of Arcturius to allow the transmutation of all old energies that no longer serve your highest good. While the Purple Flame can create a very intense clearing the Orchid Coloured Violet Light of Victoria will help you by giving you the Mercy and Love that you will need to release these energies from your life. The 7th Ray attunement will also give you a much higher vibrational connection with the divine universal consciousness and your higher self.

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