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Dragon Reiki 1&2


Category: Tag: Product ID: 9440


Dragons are they real or only a myth?

Do Dragons have different attributes that can be connected with to aid you on your spiritual path and personal healings?

Dragons are known as the Guardians of the Gates of Knowledge and Spiritual Awareness to the Universal Consciousness that surrounds you. Although this connection with the Dragons will give you the ability to tap into the Hidden Knowledge that they guard, please be aware that they will only give this Knowledge to those who they see as being Pure of Heart and who will not abuse the abilities that they can give to you. Dragons are Strong, Brave, Clever and Wise but they can also be Cunning and Cruel to anyone who abuses their power for Egotistical means. The Dragons are also closely connected with Magic so this is a wonderful addition for anyone following a path of Spiritual practice that involves Spell Casting or Magical Workings.

Wtihin the Dragon Reiki or Drachen Reiki as it is also known you will be guided to a place where the forces of the Dragons will guide you back to your true Spiritual Path with the added ability to see things that were previously unseen or veiled from your Consciosuenss. You will also gain a full Energetic Re-connection with all aspects of your being (Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit and Higher Self).

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