Several years ago I was attuned to an Aphrodite attunement that although it helped me to create a connection with her, the manual which was only a few pages long was lacking in information and the eneriges felt confused and fragmented. Due to this, I put it aside and forgot about it. Several months ago, I felt Aphrodite connecting with me where she helped me to connect with several aspects of my life which were in need of healing, particularly self love and the acceptance of who I am and not what others wanted me to be. I am sure you know this feeling or you would not have been guided to this attunement. I asked her to help me to connect with the true nature of her energies and this took me on a journey of self discovery where I had to embrace all aspects of my life in order for a full awakening and act of self love could take place. This resulted in the creation of this new attunement. The process of working with her through the activation of the Heart of Aphrodite will be quite different to anything else that you have experienced before. Working with these energies is an ongoing process where you will perform meditations and rituals to connect with the innermost vibrations of this beautiful goddess.
You will learn about the following and much more:
* How do we honour a Goddess whose last known popular worship was thousands of years ago?
* What is Love?
* Why Do We Connect With and Worship Aphrodite?
* Where can you Worship Aphrodite?
* Mental, Emotional, Physical Space.
* Aphrodite Correspondences.
* Aphrodite Invocations, Meditations and Rituals.
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